Friday, March 6, 2020

Movietime: Onward

"It worked! The can is huge! And the van is huge! And you're ....oh no." - Barley

Bite sized opinion here.
Saw Disney Pixar's Onward last night. For a movie I've been hyped up to see for almost a year now, you think I'd be disappointed. Nope, 10/10 such a fun and cute movie. A few things to note, the short in front of the movie is a Simpsons cartoon. It's cute, but I haven't watched that show in years so meh. There's also no after credits scene and you should definitely bring tissues.

Minions: The Rise of Gru
It looks like a cute movie, liked the others so I'm definitely going to check this one out.

Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway
I haven't seen the first one, but this looks cute so I might rent it.

Trolls World Tour
Loved the first one, super looking forward to seeing this one in the theater.

My Spy
This one looks hilarious, though predictable, but I'm still looking forward to seeing it next week.

Not much to say about this one, I've only ever seen a few episodes of the show, and while it's funny, it's not exactly my cup of tea.

So while I agree that they didn't really need an origin story for the Scooby squad, This looks like a highly enjoyable film and I can hardly wait to see it this summer.

Artemis Fowl
People are going to yell at me for this one I know, but I've not read the books yet. It looks like it will be a fun popcorn flick and Disney owns my soul at this point, so I am going to go see this one when it comes out.

Meaty Movie Opinions coming soon! 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Jurassic Park

From VampireHungerStrike's deviantart.
I went to go see Jurassic Park today. Since this movie isn't like the others I've talked about, we're going to do this a bit different. I loved this movie when it came out, and contrary to popular belief, while this movie didn't start my love of dinosaurs, it definitely cemented it. FYI, Dinotopia started my obsession with dinos when I was little. Considering I've seen this movie multiple times, have had the soundtrack and novels for ages now, I'm just going to direct your attention to some neat Jurassic Park things around the Internet.

ScreenJunkies do some hilarious 'honest trailers' for new and older movies people request.

Amazing song by Patrick Dwyer about Jurassic Park.

Last video for tonight, some fans made a Jurassic Park the Musical.
Here we have the opening song, '625 Million Years Ago.' Check out Colonel Mustard Amateur Attic Theatre Company's youtube page for more goodness, the even have an X-Files musical.

WikiHow has a cute idea for making your own mini park here.Personally I'd make one in one of those garden window boxes with slightly appropriate looking herbs and flowers the dinos would play in.

MonsterBrand has these awesome Raptor Claw Necklaces for sale in their shop, only $20.00.

Anyone remember doing or buying those dinosaur excavating kits? I loved those and still have some of the figures I've dug up. If you have a little one into dinos, this is such a cute craft to do for them!
Linking to the Pinterest article since I can't seem to find the original site.

TrendHunter also has a top 17 Jurassic Park Themed Products list you should go check out.

With that, I'll leave you with something I'm working on.
Quick sketch from a scene in the movie, done for my Tumblr drawing a day quest, but more on that later.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Warehouse 13

Warehouse is back this month, April 29th! To celebrate, I looked online for some of the best/my favorite Warehouse 13 things. Click the image to go through to the page it's from.

First up is ComickerGirl and her amazing art. I love all her W13 pieces, but only so many can fit.
World of Warehouse 13. I would totally play this mmo.

Tee design, sad I missed out on it.

A New Hope

Instructables tutorial for making your own Farnsworth Communicator

There was a Warehouse 13 themed swap on Craftster, very nice.

You can see a sneak peek at the new episode on the SyFy and buy licensed merch there too.
I'll leave you with this image from FoxFire141, Warehouse Monster part 2, in which silliness runs wild after Pete eats so many cookies he turns into the Cookie Monster. Enjoy!

G.I.Joe: Retaliation


White House Down

Lone Ranger

Hangover 3

Fast and Furious 6

Star Trek: Into Darkness

World War Z

On to the movie.
G.I. Joe

Long story short, I went into this movie expecting explosions, sword fights, and possibly a montage. The movie gave me all that and threw in a shirtless Storm Shadow, so in all, it exceeded my expectations. I didn't see the first movie, so can't say how well they continued that story, but in the opening credits they did a quick  recap to get everyone all caught up who may not have seen the first movie, so that was another plus. There were a lot of jokes and witty one liners thrown around, another plus for me. One thing I thought was weird was one of the bad guys at one point playing Angry Birds on his phone. First I thought it was silly and would date the movie once the fad passes, but after a few moments of thinking about the game, the concept became brilliant. They were using the game as a metaphor for what was going on in the scene.
All things considered, it's a fun brainless movie to go see for mindless action.

The Croods

Any spoilers will be in white as usual.
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2

Smurfs 2

Monsters University

Despicable Me 2



On to the movie.

I loved watching this movie. the voice acting, animation, jokes, story...yes, I even liked the story even though it's one I've seen so many times before. Teenage child acts out against parental unit(s) to be free, parent keeps reining them in for (protection), crazy hijinks ensue, as they come to an understanding parental unit sacrifices themselves to save the child before the child can verbalize love and understanding, child realizes what a dink they've been, and Reunited! Time for a partyYeah, it's a story I've been seeing often, but it's no less good and compelling here then it was in the others. So now that we know the story, moving on to other aspects. I thought the voice acting and choices for it were spot on. I went into the film knowing who voiced half the characters already, but they made me believe that they were their characters, that these cavemen would actually sound like Nicolas Cage and Ryan Reynolds. Some of the best one liners in the film were from Cage's character Grug.
The animation I also liked. In some scenes it's very colorful and vibrant, reminds me a tiny bit of the backgrounds they tried to do in Oz, but where that failed due to obvious green screening, this soared brilliantly since it was all the same animation style and the characters were actually there in the environment, and not imagining it.
This movie also came very close to making me cry because a situation made me feel sad for the characters. It takes something pretty powerful to get me there over fictional characters I haven't invested that much time in. There also *is* an after credits scene at the end of the movie. Nothing impactful though, just 3 of the elephant-mice playing their trunks like horns in a Mariachi band for a few moments. Cute, but skippable.

Loot Crate: Cosmos

Time for another Loot Crate unboxing picture post. Here we go.

I get so excited when I come home to this little box of joy.

Underside of lid and items in box as I open it.

Star Wars Pop! Bobblehead figure. Out of the possible four they had (Darth Vader, Yoda, and C3PO) I was so lucky to get this one! Boba Fett is one of my favorite characters from the series. 
Me-Awesome! I got the one I wanted!
Tayron- If you wanted one we have them at work I could have gotten you one, you know.
Me- (no offense to Loot Crate, just stating honest opinion here) I don't buy bobbleheads Tay, all I'm saying is he's the best one they could have chosen. 

Several different things here, we have the Dead Space 3 Wall Graphic, The Art of Star Wars Comics: Collectible Postcards, and a Live long and Prosper button.

Hexbug Nano Micro Robot. This thing is cool and now I don't have to swipe Tayron's to play with. First the dice, now the hexbug, you're too good to us Loot Crate.

Secret Code Wristband pictured here with the code printed on the box that you see once you've unpacked all your goodies.

Complete box picture.
Short and sweet this time around guys since I'm posting this a bit later than usual. Considering doing a cosplay unpacking next time, what do you think?

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Zenkaikon 2013 Day 3

From the positive reinforcement I got the previous night as Joey, decided to end out the weekend with him. I'll be trying to make his shirt one more time, but if it fails again for the fourth time, I'm going to have to move on and not waste any more time on it when there are other characters I'd like to do.
Only attended one panel/show on Sunday since I was too busy packing then chatting with friends made this weekend and artists from the Artists Alley to randomly choose panels to attend. I did make an effort to see the Eien Strife concert, it was amazing, possible video from that coming soon to my Youtube channel.
Linkstorm time. I picked up a lot of business cards this weekend, here's the links that you can check out their work.